
Thursday, 23 November 2017

Level 1 success story

Eden James completed a Level 1 course over a weekend. An example of how ubiquitous rewindable learning is invaluable for those students who leave work till the last minute

Friday, 29 September 2017

Google Level 1 exam

Passed my Level 1 google exam yesterday. Two sections. The 1st section is multi-choice. In the second section, they create you a temporary google account and there are scenarios to work through. It covers the entire range of GAFE

I found it a real challenge. You must gain 80% to pass and I must have just sneaked in. I learnt a lot from completing the units and the exam and would recommend it to any teacher using GAFE

Monday, 25 September 2017

Using the quiz function in the new google forms

I can't get enough of the quiz function in google forms. It makes it so easy to get assessment data and it provides instant feedback to students including their results.

Feel free to test yourself in our year 9 PE unit by clicking this link and completing the form

Thursday, 24 August 2017

'Flipped' touch rugby training

Am trying to teach touch rugby moves before practices.

Loving sharing youtube videos directly to blogger

Friday, 4 August 2017

Using google hangouts to teach class from home

My colleague, Luke Martin, has injured his arm and is off work for five weeks.

That isn't stopping him from teaching his senior classes. He just does it from the comfort of his own home using google hangouts. This is enabling his students to continue on with achievement in his absence.

Friday, 30 June 2017

9KIR using learning Papakura Haka using apple TV and youtube subtitles

Using the screen is a great way for students to learn Haka. Previously I had blogged how to add subtitles to you tube videos. Coming in very useful in preparation for the school whanau haka competition

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Adding subtitles too you tube videos

This was good because I am teaching the Papakura Haka to my classes and the subtitles enable the student to watch the actions and the words at the same time.

I also noticed a feature where dictation allows automatic subtitles to appear. This may be useful when uploading screen-casts or discussion for students to use if they dont have ear-phones

Here is my video - you will have to open this in you tube video and you may have to click on the 'cc' at the bottom of the video to enable the sub titles to appear

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

audit of Chromebooks in class - Papakura High

Last week I did a chromebook audit amongst our junior classes. I wanted to find out how many students were bringing their devises to school

Below are the results of year 9 students


And below are the Year 10 students

Overall we are very happy with students and whanau. By far the majority have signed up for a device, and most are bringing them to school

Paul Van Etten has had a big part to play in this. He has spent many an hour organising this process and that continues to this day